Map of Holy Trinity Parish Boundary
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH LAMBLEY PCC Officers and members to April 2025List of PCC members and Officers.
Licenced Lay minister: Frances Newsham /Pastoral Elderly Licenced Lay minister: Jane Williams /Messy Church/Girls Night Out Churchwarden: Philip Cox PCC Secretary: Eleanor Wilson PCC Treasurer: Eleanor Wilson Safeguarding Officer: Jane Williams Deanery rep: Eleanor Wilson Electoral Roll Officer: PCC PCC Members: David Chambers: Fabric & Maintenance Linda Goldby: Flowers/Refreshments Nicky Taylor: Messy Church PCC Minutes![]()
Planned Giving Profile at April 2024![]()
Treasurer's Report for Holy Trinity with comparison figures 2018-2022![]()
Attendance figures for all services at Holy Trinity 2022![]()
Quinquennial Report December 2020![]()
Summary of List A items identified in Quinquennial report 2020![]()
APCM Documents![]()